


Corporate Rebranding

Capsugel Global Corporate Rebranding: 2016

Capsugel Global Corporate Rebranding: 2016

Strategy, Concept, Design & Art Direction



Capsugel, now a Lonza company, had long been the world’s leading manufacturer of capsules and encapsulation technologies for the pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare industries. While perception and awareness of the brand were high, Capsugel’s ability to manage the entire product development lifecycle was lesser known. To convey this, we developed a disruptive strategy—one that would overhaul existing elements of the brand to change the universal perception of its offering. Extensive market research informed a bold new design and messaging strategy, which in turn led to the development of a daring, yet highly-engaging new brand.



Prior to the rebrand, the Capsugel aesthetic consisted almost entirely of capsule images. We drew inspiration from animals that have highly advanced natural engineering in their DNA. Together with the tagline, “Engineering Medicines to Life” and a full content strategy, we executed a new brand and supporting campaign that featured striking, transparent visuals of animals (a hummingbird for the launch) to shock the market and emphasize Capsugel’s full breadth of capabilities. This concept also spoke to the pharmaceutical industry’s macro-trend of personalized medicine and delivery systems.

The Result

The Result

Following a successful launch at the pharma industry’s largest annual event, the new brand continued to evolve to drive progressive market impact. In 2017, Capsugel was acquired by Lonza for $5.5 billion.



Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Brand Standards, Key Art, Advertising (Print & Digital), Animation, Exhibit, Corporate & Technical Communications, Website

Capsugel Team

Capsugel Team

Elan Harris – Illustrator; Jason Zayas – Animator; Chee Choi – Exhibit Designer